Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Libya war a precursor to Ezekiel 38-39?

March 23, 2010

The Wall Street Journal Reported today: "Oil futures settled at their highest level in 2 1/2 years Wednesday as air strikes continued against Libya and the U.S. reported a sharp drop in gasoline inventories." On New York commodities markets, 'Light Sweet Crude' settled at $105.75 a barrel, the highest we've seen since September 2008.
The US and Allied forces air strikes on Col. Moammar Gadhafi's military infrastructure and Western sanctions have stopped the 1.3 million barrel per day of Libyan output and have caused commodity futures traders to speculate that oil supply will get worse before it gets better. Kyle Cooper, managing partner at IAF Energy Advisors in Houston stated in the WSJ article, "If this spreads into Saudi Arabia, $120 a barrel is going to look cheap. People are scared to death to be short."
In Bible prophecy, Libya is included in the Russian-Iranian alliance against Israel in 'the last days.' Ezekiel 38-39, tells us that "Put" is one of the nations that joins the 'Gog/Magog' alliance against the nation of Israel. Ancient historian Flavius Josephus records that "Put" or "Phut" is "Libyos." Ancient Libyos included the territory of modern Libya. Regardless of the outcome of the current military and political struggle in Gadhafi's Libya, Bible prophecy tells us that one day, Libya will be a part of the alliance with an "evil thought" in its head, to invade the land of Israel to take a "spoil" - maybe oil? Bible prophecy seems to be coming into fullness on almost a daily basis in Israel. Is the current Libyan war a precursor to the fulfillment Ezekiel 38-39? We'll keep watching.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Apostasia y Falsos Maestros.

Pero con respecto a la venida de nuestro Señor Jesucristo, y nuestra reunión con él, os rogamos, hermanos, que no os dejéis mover fácilmente de vuestro modo de pensar, ni os conturbéis, ni por espíritu, ni por palabra, ni por carta como si fuera nuestra, en el sentido de que el día del Señor está cerca. Nadie os engañe en ninguna manera; porque no vendrá sin que antes venga la apostasía, y se manifieste el hombre de pecado, el hijo de perdición  2Tes.2.1-3

Pero hubo también falsos profetas entre el pueblo, como habrá entre vosotros falsos maestros, que introducirán encubiertamente herejías destructoras, y aun negarán al Señor que los rescató, atrayendo sobre sí mismos destrucción repentina. 2P.2.1

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Japan – Apple of God’s Eye, or Thorn in His Side?

By Bill Salus

Japan’s Prime Minister says country facing worst crisis since World War II
It has been warned, “It’s not good to kick a man when he’s down,” but when it comes to the Jews, the Japanese just keep on kicking. Jewish blood has stained Japanese hands since World War II when they participated with Germany as part of the “Axis Alliance.” This terrible miscalculation achieved for them the atomic accolade of being the first world nation ever nuked!

A careful study of the World War II and Holocaust timelines reveals that by the time Japan bombed Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, Hitler’s Jewish genocidal “Final Solution” had been introduced, Jewish Ghettos established, and tens of thousands of Jews already massacred. In a single operation in September of 1941, an estimated 33,771 Jews were killed by the hand of the Nazi’s in Ukraine as part of the “Babi Yar” massacres.

A nation steeped in paganism, Japan is out of touch with biblical precepts and divine foreign policy. Rather than understanding the heart of man is desperately wicked and in need of a savior, the predominant Japanese religions of Shintoism and Buddhism teach that man’s heart is inherently good and on route to godhead.

Shinto was made Japan’s state religion during the Meiji period (1868-1912). During that period Shinto priests became state officials, Shinto shrines government buildings, and a constitution promoting an emperor cult was ratified. Shinto is a polytheistic religion absent of absolutes. It is as old as Japan itself.

Shintoism epitomizes what the bible warns against in Romans 1:18-23, which is the failure to recognize that creation has a Creator. "Shinto gods" are called kami. They are sacred spirits which take the form of things and concepts important to life, such as wind, rain, mountains, trees, rivers and fertility. Humans become kami after they die and are revered by their families as ancestral kami.”

Interestingly, at the closing stages of World War II a select group of Japanese fighter pilots, called Kamikaze's, flew suicide missions against American warships stationed in the Pacific Ocean. Kamikaze' is usually translated as "divine wind" (kami is the word for "god", "spirit", or "divinity", and kaze for "wind"). At the time the Japanese were heavily influenced by Shintoism and emperor worship. Further evidencing the stronghold of Shintoism on Japanese society, these forerunners of today's Islamic suicide bombers believed it was there religious duty to die for their cause.

Zephaniah 2:11 teaches the God of the bible will someday reduce to nothing all the god’s of the earth. This includes Allah, the Kami, and all other false deities. For Japan that downward process appears to have begun in the aftermath of World War II. On May 3, 1947, just five months prior to the adoption of the U.N. Partition Plan calling for the creation of a Jewish State, Japan enacted a new constitution that replaced the old Meiji constitution of 1889. Japan should have said Sayonara to Shinto at that point.

Unfortunately, they didn’t and haven’t learned from their modern day mistakes. The March 11, 2011 earthquake and devastating Tsunami may be a sobering reminder that at this point on the end time’s line, the God of Israel means business.

Japan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued a flurry of anti-Israel comments leading up to their 9.0 earthquake. White House Correspondent Bill Koenig of World Watch Daily, and author of top-selling book “Eye to Eye,” tracks natural, economic, and geo-political disasters routinely to see if they have God’s fingerprints upon them. He does this to demonstrate that the divine foreign policy plainly spelled out 4000 years ago in Genesis 12:3 is still effectually intact.

Koenig’s outstanding chronological monitoring of Japan’s recent Anti-Israel and / or Pro-Palestinian statements and actions can fully be viewed here, or by dates below.

January 11, 2011
February 8, 2011
February 10, 2011
March 8, 2011
March 9, 2011
March 11, 2011

“I will bless those who bless you, And I will curse him who curses you; And in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.” (Genesis 12:3, NKJV)

This Genesis 12:3 principle, still in place, alludes to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and includes their Jewish descendants today. According to prophecies penned in Ezekiel 36:22-24, 37-11-12, Isaiah 11:11 and elsewhere, Israel clearly exists today in fulfillment of bible prophecy. These, along with other assorted biblical prophecies, not only foretell God’s end time’s goals through Israel, but consequentially forewarn against opposing His providential plans for Israel.

Israel is the “Apple of God’s Eye” we are told in Deuteronomy 32:10 and Zechariah 2:8. Conversely, in Japan’s case it is possible that their plague of paganism coupled with their continued indignation toward Israel has made them a sharp thorn in the Lord’s side.

It appears national action against Israel followed by prompt providential reaction against the perpetrator gauges mankind’s whereabouts on the end time’s line. The hypothesis is; the closer the Lord is to moving through Israel, the shorter the retaliatory fuse is for nations acting against Israel.
A few sovereign examples are listed below:

1. America pressures Israel to evacuate Jews from Gush Katif out of Gaza. In turn, Katrina, America’s costliest disaster, strikes in the immediate aftermath forcing many Americans to evacuate out of New Orleans and surrounding areas.
(August, 2005)

2. U.K. tourism watchdog ASA (Advertising Standards Authority) prohibits Israel’s Ministry of Tourism from placing pictures of the Western Wall on solicitations to promote travel to Israel. This decision was made because it implied Israel possessed legitimate sovereignty over East Jerusalem where the wall is located. In turn, the Eyjafjoll volcano in Iceland erupts sending ash throughout European skies causing all air travel to halt and adversely affecting U.K. tourism for a prolonged period.
(April 2010)
3. In a major shift of U.S. policy the Obama administration threatened to use its U.N. veto power against Israel if Israel failed to comply with U.S. incentives toward Mideast Peace. In turn the BP oil spill occurred resulting in the world’s largest oil disaster.
(April 2010)
If this above hypothesis proves correct, then humanity could be on the verge of witnessing something prophetically huge happening in the Middle East. Genesis 12:3 appears to have shifted into turbo mode. Japan’s recent anti-Israel statements and actions evidence an adversarial sentiment toward Israel that is intolerable and insensitive to the pressures presently placed upon the Jewish State. In light of their March, 2011 disasters they have, at least temporarily, been forced to keep their nose out of Mideast matters and mind their own business.

The Arab unrest plaguing 2011, coupled with the breakdown of Middle East peace talks at the end of 2010, have put Israel in an unenviable position of isolation and insecurity. No nation, not even America as evidenced above, appears exempt from the divine rule of Genesis 12:3, especially those with recent Jewish blood on their hands.

Presently, several of Japan’s nuclear reactors are severely damaged and the nation finds itself facing nuclear fallout once again. According to a March 13, 2011 Jerusalem Post article, “Japan’s Prime Minister says his country is facing its worst crisis since World War II.” Could this be a sobering reminder that Israel’s protector is the Lord and all who would try to poke out the apple of His eye had better be prepared to face the consequences of their actions?

We are informed in Matthew 24:7, Mark 13:8, and Luke 21:11 that significant earthquakes will become commonplace in the end time’s. In light of Japan’s recent episode, humanity may have to face the possibility that sometimes they are strategically located to prove a divine point. It appears the best message for the nations is to be on the safe side and start blessing Israel.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

They say the United States is not mentioned in Bible prophecy. If this isn't the United States, just who could it be?

U.S. Flag 
United States in  
Bible Prophecy     

Most Bible prophecy teachers teach that the United States is not in Bible prophecy. I disagree. I believe the United States is mentioned specifically, scores of times, and is described in great detail.  Before you tell me that I am wrong, first tell me who this nation could possibly be... other than the U.S.! 

The words "United States" or "America" are not in scripture. But often buried within scriptural text is a parallel subject revelation or dual fulfillment.
Obvious examples of this double reference are in Isaiah 14 and Ezekiel 28. In Isaiah 14:4, the text begins with references to the "king of Babfalling to earthylon," but gradually changes into comments about Satan:  

"How you have fallen from heaven"   
                                                       Is 14:12.

The same is true with Ezekiel 28 where verse 11 speaks of the "king of Tyre," but the following verse moves into specific traits and characteristics of Satan: "you were in the garden of God."  It's from these two chapters that many of Satan's characteristics are revealed, yet we had to dig a little first before we could uncover the scriptural jewels buried therein.

        "It is the glory of God to conceal a matter..."   Prov 25:2

If we are living in the final decades, years or days of the Church Age, the United States, still the #1 power in the world, should logically be in the Bible somewhere. Applying the above principle of double mona"Double Reference," or "Duel Fulfillment," there are numerous verses in the Bible that may give us some insight into what ultimately happens to the United States in the future. 

Below is a list of the characteristics of an end-time, latter-day nation. I'll challenge you to find another country, other than the United States, that fully fits this description!

Who Is This Nation?
The Bible calls this unnamed nation, "Babylon," and sometimes refers to it as the "Daughter of Babylon." These characteristics of Babylon are taken from verses in Jeremiah 50, 51, Isaiah 18, 47 and Revelation 17, 18. These scriptures record a fascinating description of a nation that has much wisdom, wealth and knowledge, thinks it is secure and invincible, but is suddenly totally destroyed.
 US Map
Bordered By Many Waters  
"O you who dwell by many waters," Jer 51:13

"The sea has come up over Babylon; She has been engulfed with its tumultuous waves." Jer 51:42

This is a nation who is bordered by "many waters." Later you will see that it also imports primarily by ships. It is important to note that Babylon in Iraq has two relatively small ports on only one ocean. In comparison, the U.S. is virtually surrounded by water. It has no less than 15 major ports, on three oceans, 5 Great Lakes and the Mississippi River.
Has A MBritish Flagother Nation 

"Your mother will be greatly ashamed, she who gave you birth will be humiliated. Behold, she will be the (youngest) of the nations" Jer 50:12

This nation has a mother nation . . . like the U.S. has a mother nation - Great Britain. And this nation is the youngest of the world's superpowers at the end of the Church Age.

U.S. ShipMilitarily Strong 

"How the hammer of the whole earth...has been cut off and broken!" Jeremiah 50:23

He says, "You are My war-club, My weapon of war;" Jer 51:20

This nation is the military hammer of the earth.

shipLarge Importing Nation 

"Come to her from the farthest border; open up her barns,"  Jer 50:26

"And the merchants of the earth weep and mourn over her, because no one buys their cargoes any more . . ." Rev 18:11

Wealth house familyA Wealthy Nation 
"...all who had ships at sea became rich by her wealth"  
Rev 18:19

"....such great wealth..." Rev 18:17

This nation is agriculturally abundant, wealthy, has world-wide influence and is a large importing nation via the sea.

cap and gownAn Educated Nation

"A sword against . . . her wise men!"  
Jer 50:35

This nation is very educated.

mingled peoplePopulation Diversity

"A sword against... all the foreigners who are in the midst of her," Jer 50:37

This nation is full of foreigners, legal and/or illegal. The King James Version calls it a "Mingled-People Nation." The U.S. is about as "mingled" as a nation can get! 

Abundant in Natural Resources coal mine

"... A sword against her treasures, . . ."  Jer 50:37b

"Abundant in treasures, . . ." Jer 51:13

This nation had been blessed by God.

tv-coupleA Nation Full of Idols 

". . . Her images have been put to shame, her idols have been shattered." Jer 50:2d

". . . it is the land of graven images, and they are mad upon their idols." Jeremiah 50:38

The nation in question has a lot of "images."
How would Isaiah describe TV, movies, or the
Internet 3000 years ago? And, any way you
define "idol," the United States is full of them. An idol is anything that you put before God. Money, cars, sex, TV, football, pornography, self, etc., would certainly qualify as "idols." Amazingly, one of the top TV shows in the United States is named American Idol!, and we have a national magazine titled "SELF."  If the shoe fits... 

RocketSpace Program? 

"Though Babylon should ascend to the heavens." Jer 51:53

If that is a reference to this nation taking space shots, it certainly narrows the field of prospective countries that could qualify!

Has Become Arrogant body pierced

". . . For she has become arrogant against the LORD, against the Holy One of Israel." Jer 50:29

"Behold, I am against you, O arrogant one," declares the Lord GOD of hosts, for your day has come, the time when I will punish you." Jer 50:31

This nation "has become arrogant against the Lord," indicating that at one time the nation was once humble to the Lord. Not just arrogant against God, but specifically arrogant against Jesus Christ, the "Holy One of Israel." Maybe the 50 million deaths of innocent babies via abortion, being the pornography distribution center of the world, and taking God out of the classroom had something to do with it. 

 Daughter of Babylon 

". . . Against you, O daughter of Babylon."  Jer 50:42c

This nation is also referred to as the "daughter" of Babylon. Not the original Babylon, but another country.

siaAttacked from the North 
"a nation has come up against her out of the north;" Jer 50:3

"For the destroyers will come to her from the north," Jer 51:48

 The nation is attacked from the north. Interestingly, Russia (Gog) is aligned with Iran (Persia) in the Ezekiel 38/39 post-Rapture invasion of Israel. If the U.S. did receive a nuclear attack from Russia, it would come to the United States over the North pole, "from the north." The U.S. could be the "coastlands" (Ezek 39:6) who also get attacked in the Gog invasion.

Rapture-clothesRapture Related? 
"At the shout, 'Babylon has been seized!' the earth is shaken, and an outcry is heard among the nations." Jer 50:46

This "shout" might be a reference to the Rapture (I Thess 4:16), indicating it is still a future event. The earth will definitely be shaken at the Rapture.

luxuryGod Allowed Luxury, Culture and Industry 
"The fruit you long for has gone from you, and all things that were luxurious and splendid have passed away from you and men will no longer find them." Rev 18:14

violins"And the sound of harpists and musicians and flute-players and trumpeters will not be heard in you any longer; and no craftsman of any craft will be found in you any longer; and the sound of a mill will not be heard in you any longer;"  Rev 18:22

city"Babylon has been a golden cup in the hand of the LORD, intoxicating all the earth. The nations have drunk of her wine;" Jer 51:7

This nation lives in luxury and splendor with many musicians, craftsmen and mills/factories. It is quite an advanced nation, allowed by God Himself.  

Worldwide Merchants coke can
"...your merchants were the great men of the earth.." Rev 18:23

This nation reaches the far corners of the earth with her dominating trade.

 SuddenlyHappens Without Warning 

"Suddenly Babylon has fallen and been broken;"  Jeremiah 51:8

"for in one hour such great wealth has been laid waste!" Revelation 18:17

"these things shall come on you suddenly in one day..."  Is 47:9

"...destruction about which you do not know will come on you suddenly." Isaiah 47:11

"Suddenly" could be another reference to the Rapture or possibly a post-Rapture nuclear attack that takes out this nation. The phrase "in one hour" could also be translated "in a moment." The Greek word used there, "hora" was translated "moment" in two other places in the Bible. So it too could be a reference to the Rapture.

Has Good And Badgood bad

"For thus says the LORD of hosts, the God of Israel: "The daughter of Babylon is like a threshing floor At the time it is stamped firm; Yet in a little while the time of harvest will come for her." Jeremiah 51:33

This nation is compared to a "threshing floor." It is a nation that for the moment has both good and bad people, but eventually God promises to come get the good (cleansed by Jesus' blood--at Rapture).

Lots of Whirring

"Alas, oh land of whirring wings..." Is 18:1

This nation has a lot of "whirring" going on. Airplanes, helicopters, and other engines make a whirring sound.

 Sends Diplomats Worldwide Hillary

"Which sends envoys by the sea, Even in papyrus
vessels on the surface of the waters. Go, swift messengers, to a nation tall and smooth, To a people feared far and wide, A powerful and oppressive nation whose land the rivers divide." Isaiah 18:2

This end-time nation sends diplomats around the world, is considered "tall and smooth," is known worldwide and has plenty of water due to many rivers dividing the land.

So, for those that insist that Babylon MUST be rebuilt in Iraq to fulfill Bible prophecy, I submit Iraq doesn't fit the above scriptures. Iraq is not bordered on many waters, it is not the world's military hammer, it is not full of wise men, it is not a mingled people nation, it is not the world's largest importer, it is not a new/young nation, it does not have plenty of water and certainly doesn't take space shots!

This nation, whoever it is, is wiped out in one hour, either by the Rapture or a nuclear attack soon after the Rapture. Could this be the United States? With the Church gone, and nothing but liberal non-Believers left, in God's perfect timing, it sure seems to fit!

Monday, March 14, 2011

Oremos por el pueblo Japones

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

FRANCE A New Global Finance System in the Making?

France, as current head of the Group of 20 countries, will help the transition to a global financial system based on ‘several international currencies,’ French Economy Minister Christine Lagarde said.
Lagarde, speaking ahead of a G20 finance ministers meeting in Paris, said the world had to move on from the ‘non-monetary system’ it now has to one ‘based on several international currencies.’
Accordingly, France wants to see less need for countries, especially the emerging economies, to accumulate huge foreign reserves, she said.
At the same time, international capital flows should be better regulated and the role of the Special Drawing Rights issued by the International Monetary Fund should be reinforced by the inclusion of China’s yuan in the system.
China, whose booming economy now ranks second only to the US in size after overtaking Japan, has accumulated massive forex reserves of more than $2.5 trillion on the back of its sustained trade surpluses and foreign fund inflows.
Washington says the build-up reflects an unfair undervaluation of the yuan, a charge Beijing rejects.
France has previously said it wanted to see the global financial system reduce its reliance on the dollar for a more broad-based arrangement., 14 February 2011

The US dollar has been entrenched as the global currency since the Second World War. But with globalism virtually exploding, it becomes more and more evident that another more reliable financial vehicle should be created. With the euro in temporarily insecure waters, the US dollar at this time would be difficult to replace.
One thing we do know for sure, the entire world financial and economic system will be united more closely with each coming year. Nevertheless, in the end, the greatest catastrophe will happen as described in the book of Revelation. It will place all previous financial and economic catastrophes in the shade. The total collapse of the world system is part of the Great Tribulation, “For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be” (Matthew 24:21).